Funding Opportunities for ICAR 2023
ICAR 2023-Chiba, Japan is organized by Japanese colleagues, June 5-9
Registration is open & several funding opportunities exist
ICAR 2023 organizers are offering a number of participation awards for students. Please check their website for all award details. Their deadline is January 31st, 2023.
NAASC has funding for about 20 US plant biologists to participate: Up to 10 awards in Category 1 (travel awards) and up to 10 awards in Category 2 (virtual participation)
NAASC Award Eligibility: US plant biologists (US citizenship NOT required) that also are any one of these 3 categories: Early Career Scholars (students, postdoctoral scholars in a postdoc title, and pre-tenure faculty); Members of under-represented groups in US STEM (information below); Faculty at HBCU/1890s/Black serving institutions or Tribal Colleges and Universities (TCU) that mentor members of underrepresented groups (please see full information here.)
NAASC Award Competition Timeline
Full Information can be found HERE
1. February 13, 2023: Submit all materials (including letter of support for Category 1 students & postdocs)
2. February 22, 2023: Awards announced by email to address provided
3. February 28, 2023: Awardees must register and submit their abstract directly to ICAR 2023